Order of the White Wings
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Application Guidelines

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Application Guidelines Empty Application Guidelines

Post  Serocia Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:32 am

First off, let me just thank you for visiting The Order of White Wings forum, and deciding to apply.

Essentially, the guild is a safehouse for those of the Bontarian alignment, hence the name. The current level requirement is level 100. You can look forward to trustworthy, friendly members and eventually a beneficial perceptor system with weekly competitions

Applying is simple - all you need to do is copy the template below onto a thread of your own and answer the questions accordingly. Obviously, you need not stick to the template completely as any extra information will help us in deciding whether or not our guild is right for you.

The Template:

● Real life name (optional) -
● Age -
● In-game name -
● Current level -
● Alignment -
● Previous guild(s) (if applicable) -
● Reason(s) for leaving (if applicable) -
● What you're looking for in a guild -
● What you think you can offer -
● Any additional personal information -
● Time zone -
● Where you heard about us -

Upon applying you will receive an in-game personal message from one of our senior officers. This will let you know whether you were successful with your application (this could take up to 24 hours, depending on your time zone). From there, you will receive a guild invite at any time that is appropriate for you.

Good luck with your application and we look forward to hearing from you. Smile

EDIT: Also, just a head's up, I'd like to point out that the rest of the forum is hidden from view until you fully register, meaning you have to verify your email address. Please register if you'd like to see the forum in its entirety. - Nef
The Sultry Summoner
The Sultry Summoner

Posts : 80
Join date : 2010-02-12
Age : 32
Location : Sunny ol' England :)

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